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SDJACL Community Dialogue: Thurs., 10/13/22, 6:30-8:00 pm, JAHSSD Feature of Jack Kubota

Join us for a guided interview presentation featuring Jack Kubota and Linda Canada of the Japanese American Historical Society of San Diego (JAHSSD).

Carlsbad resident Jack Kubota was born in Pasadena, California, and moved to the Imperial Valley when he was an infant. His family had a trucking business, and he lived and attended school in El Centro. He was 13 years old in 1942 when he and his family were forced to Camp One of the Poston incarceration camp near Parker, Arkansas.

Jack will share stories about his family's experiences following Pearl Harbor and his takes of life as a not-very motivated student in the government's school inside Poston. He and Linda have presented to many schools and senior centers, and you'll leave with a different understanding of what life in a camp was like.

Thursday, October 13, 2022, 6:30-8:00 pm. RSVP to for the Zoom link.

***In case you missed it, a recording of this dialogue is available at the SDJACL YouTube Channel and below:



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