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Save Funding for the Japanese American Confinement Sites Grant!

The Japanese American Confinement Site Grant Program (JACS) is a National Parks Service grant program that distributes funds nationally to preserve the important history of Japanese incarceration during WWII. In just 10 years JACS has provided nearly $30 million to universities, national organizations, and small grassroots projects. These projects protect and share an important history and we don’t want the learning to end. President Trump’s FY2021 budget proposal cuts funding for this program. Let’s make sure this history is taught, not repeated. There are a few ways you can help!


You can take part in our online call to action! From now through mid-March, you can use our online petition form to send messages directly to your representatives in Congress, urging them to request $3.1 million in appropriations for FY2021. Appropriation requests for the Department of the Interior are due March 25th, so urge your representatives now! You can fill out the form using the link HERE!


For those who are able and want to come to Washington, D.C. to advocate for the JACS program, we invite you to join the Japanese American Confinement Sites Consortium for their advocacy days taking place from March 31st to April 2nd! To register and help plan out congressional meetings, you'll have to complete two registrations forms!

The first form is to help plan legislative visits and can be found HERE!

The second form is the event registration courtesy of our partner and host, AARP, and can be found HERE!

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