Become a San Diego JACL Member
What Are the Advantages of Becoming a Member?
By becoming a member of the San Diego Chapter of the JACL, you will:

Support the nation’s oldest Asian-American civil rights organization and help keep the JACL relevant for today’s changing Japanese American community and the issues impacting the greater Asian American community;
Receive discounts to JACL-sponsored events and preferred seating at film showings;
Receive the National JACL's official newspaper, Pacific Citizen, and receive notice of local chapter events;
Receive volunteer/community service and National JACL internship/fellowship opportunities and network with other Asian American community organizations;
Have access to JACL scholarships – local and national;
Become involved in the Japanese American community and make new friends.
Click HERE to see more.
Electronic Membership Applications
Starting or renewing a membership is easy. Those wishing to join JACL through secure electronic payment may do so by clicking the following link:
***Make sure you choose the "San Diego" Chapter***
Mailed Membership Applications
If you wish to send a check, fill out the membership form below and send it with your check payable to “Japanese American Citizens League” to:
Japanese American Citizens League, Membership Department
P.O. Box 45397
San Francisco, CA 94145-0397