Join the World Kamishibai Forum at the SD Central Library on February 15-16
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JACL Celebrates Announcement of Mitsuye Endo Presidential Citizens Medal
Today the Biden Administration announced 20 recipients of the Presidential Citizens Medal. These medals are given out to those “who have...
JACL Disappointed with Final BLM Approval of Lava Ridge Wind Project
On December 5th, 2024, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) released the Record of Decision (ROD) on the Lava Wind Ridge Project. The JACL...
JACL Congratulates Newly Elected Leadership for the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus
JACL congratulates Representative Grace Meng for being elected to serve as the Chairperson of the Congressional Asian Pacific American...
The House is scheduled to vote on H.R. 9495 on Thursday morning, so email your Member of Congress TODAY!
Last week, the House of Representatives voted to support a bill that has an inclusion  that would give future administrations...
JACL Demands Accountability at the National Archives
A Wall Street Journal article published October 29, 2024 , included several serious allegations that the National Archives, led and...
JACL Commends the Biden Administration’s Apology for Indigenous Boarding Schools
On Friday, October 25th, 2024, President Biden spoke at the Gila River Indian Community in Arizona and offered an apology for the U.S....
JACL Calls on White House to End Funding of Israel’s Military and Human Rights Violations
As a nearly century-old organization, the JACL has a long history of supporting the civil and human rights of all those targeted by...
JACL Decries Former President Donald Trump’s Statement Equating Incarceration of Japanese Americans to Capitol Rioters
On Friday, October 15th, 2024, in an online interview, Former President Donald Trump equated the arrest and imprisonment of the rioters...