The 71st Annual JACL Community Picnic will be held on Sunday June 26th off of East Crown Point Shores on Corona Oriente Road (see maps and directions below and/or see Google Maps) at 11:00 A.M. Your support and participation in this year's event will fund SD JACL youth scholarships and leadership programs.
Come out for a beautiful day at Mission Bay as we will be hosting our annual raffle drawing ($250 cash, gift cards and other prizes) , gift basket contest, lawn games for all ages, geta races, hawaiian shave Ice and more. To comply with state laws, cash prizes have been limited and online sales will not be available this year.
11:00 a.m. Official Picnic kick-off
1:00 p.m. Games
2:45 p.m. Gift Basket Announcements
3:00 p.m. Raffle Drawing Prizes
Youth & Adult Games
SD JACL is busy planning a wide range of games for all age groups. We look forward to a day of fun.
Gift Basket Contest
No Cost to enter a basket
Use your creativity to construct a special gift basket to support SD JACL
Bring your entry basket to the picnic between 11:00 AM and 1:00 PM
Tickets will be sold at the event only. Tickets are placed with the Gift Baskets desired. Each Basket will be raffled off from the tickets inserted for each Basket.
Food and Beverage
Everyone is encouraged to bring their own food and coordinate with family and friends, Potluck style! JACL will be providing free water and soda for the group.
From I-5 (North or Southbound)
Take the Garnett Exit and head West
Veer left onto Balboa Ave.
Turn Left onto Lamont St.
Turn Right onto Crown Point Dr.
Turn Left onto Corona Oriente Rd. (See map for specific
From I-8
Head East on I-8 and Exit W Mission Bay Dr. headed North
Continue on W. Mission Bay Dr. and continue onto Ingraham
Turn Right onto Crown Point Dr.
Turn Right onto Corona Oriente Rd. (see map for specific
Contact SDJACL with any questions @ sandiegojacl@gmail.com